Live Well.
Dress Well.
Give Well.
Welcome to MayHouse Collection
A fun, compelling shopping experience with a well-curated mix of Home, Fashion, and Gift collections.
We love being your neighbor, we want to be your friend.

Hours: Today: 10am – 6pm - We’re closed.
Address: W359 N5002 Brown St, Oconomowoc Call: (262) 354-8100
Live Well.
Dress Well.
Give Well.
A fun, compelling shopping experience with a well-curated mix of Home, Fashion, and Gift collections.
We love being your neighbor, we want to be your friend.
Handbag Brands
Womens Clothing Brands
Home Decor Brands
Kitchen and Pantry Brands
Gift Supply Brands
Tabletop/Seasonal/Lake Life Brands
Garden and Outdoor Brands
Footwear Brands
Womens Footwear Brands
Womens Accessories Brands
Mens Clothing Brands
Mens Footwear Brands
Mens Accessories Brands
Baby Clothing Brands
Boys and Girls Clothing Brands
Toy and Activity Brands
Baby Gear and Essentials Brands
Jewelry Brands
Makeup Brands
Skin Care Brands
Fragrance Brands
Bath and Body Brands
Mens Grooming Brands